Homosexualist text and subtext in “men’s” magazines

Details, September 2003

2003.08.25a – Let’s run the Homosexualist Agenda through the gayest “men’s” magazine there is, Details. (“Now leave me alone, I’m in the middle of a waxing”; “What is Maer getting his panties in a twist about?”; “It’s for guys who like staring at pictures of naked men but haven’t quite figured out why.”)

Handing Ash_on Ku_cher on a platter

Details (“for men”) blew the very-most-obvious homosexualist tie-in: Cover mannequin A_shton Kuch_er is the reigning public obsession of snaggletoothed “advice” columnist Dan Savage (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, inter alia). Brad Pitt, come on down!

Bare chests in this issue

Must be open to the waist to be enumerated.


Counting beyond two

Hed (Tom Samiljan, “Does Bisexuality Really Exist?”) telegraphs intent to reinvent long-since-passé inquiry into bisexualism:

A.  Shoot ’em if you got ’em

“Nocturnal Admissions” by Augusten (“I Trannies”) Burroughs, with note-perfect photo illustration of melting Creamsicle® by Bela Borsodi (“Is Dead”), on wet dreams:

B.  Shoot blanks

“The End of Men?” by Jerry Stahl (still undead), on declining sperm counts, estrogenic poisoning, and Y-chromosome defects:

Disproving its own thesis

“Is There Such a Thing as Too Gay?” by Tony Hendra (still undead) states that Steven Cojocaru, whom I’d thankfully never heard of, embodies every “stereotype of ‘pansy,’ ‘fairy,’ ‘sissy,’ and all those other hilarious epithets we throw around in private.” (Careful with that “we.”) “He’s just what red-meat Republicans expect a gay man to be: Flirty, lisping, campy, dolled up in ridiculous clothes... [i]n a word, abnormal. His antics make conservatives totally comfortable in their ingrained biases: See, we were right all along.”

I would vouchsafe that this character is just that, a character. We reinvent ourselves for show business. But not by very much. Behind every pansy, fairy, or sissy is a pansy, fairy, or sissy. Some of us just are like that. It is normal for us.

Euphemism for metrosexualist

Piece by cute but nerdy but also now influential and well-off Clive Thompson (“Why We Spend What Daddy Didn’t”) on the current generation of conspicuous consumers – demonstrably differentiable from previous generations of conspicuous consumers.

Speak for yourselves, Details.