March 2000 Volt reviews
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March 1 | 2 | 3 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 20 | 27 | 28 | 29 | 30 | 31
- Tuesday
- Dano hosts. It's a fashion episode, which they've done
- Belt-sander racing with JS. No less ridiculous than riding
bicycles up and down staircases.
- Tricot-Volt ad again.
- Guy wears du Château? Shock! Today he sports his tighty
dragon long-sleeved T-shirt. Again. With a leather jacket. No,
honey, everybody outta leather. Guy, keep your sandals on, though I
actually think you have nice feet, which not all of us do.
and Guy don't have what it takes to be host, principally
self-confidence and unerring fluency. The little pauses and not
knowing what to do next for fractions of a second do add up, like
tiny cellphone handover dropouts. Mathieu and Simon do have what it
takes, as does a chick we no longer see on air – Mireille, I
think (she's a Person Living with Colour™, if that helps;
doesn't she work in TVO Online Production now?).
- Finally we learn the name of the tall chick: Nadyne.
- Oh, cripes: Parasailing with kites and skis. Acro-this!
- Jean-Louis (if that is his real name) as counselor to
suicidal Mathieu. ToxicoGoodHumourMan. Again with the
mullet. The rescuing SWAT team would have been ever more fetching
driving old Suburbans.
- Videoclips: "Make Me Bad" de Korn (too late, kids);
«L'impertinent» de Fabe.
- Wednesday
02: A rerun.
- Guy on Goths. His guest mangles the word
"antidisestablishmentarian." Guy and his guest's emphasis was on
being yourself. Well, if that were true, Goths wouldn't all look
alike. They want to be different like everybody else. Indeed,
Douglas Rushkoff and Daniel Richler have pegged goths much more
aptly: The romanticization of death; willing to get picked on
mercilessly at school to express these feelings of beauty.
- Dano with Blur.
- Herr Müller changes a tire. I feel like changing the
- Videoclips: "Coma White" de Marilyn Manson; «Sans
rémission» de Fonky Family.
- Friday
03: Another sexualité
phone-in show. No, thanks. (Although Lyba's mealy-mouthed liberal
nonanswer about homosexualism was a disgrace. If the question is
"How do homosexuals have sex?" then actually answer it, using
correct G-rated terminology.)
- Monday
- Volt's own ideas for dissuasive cigarette
- Guy with les Nouveaux prophètes. What's he wearing? A
choker and a tank top!
- Nathalie on music, particularly the Smashing Pumpkins, who
remain entirely irrelevant. Imagine having so little taste as to
consider them musical at all.
- Where has Marc been with his Internet "chronicles,"
- More mushing and raccoon-fur hats. I
don't think so.
- Has the show really received complaints about certain
presenters' lousy
- The gag of phoning up JS's mom and administering a fake
telemarketing survey was, bar none, the bestest single
Volt segment. Why? Audacity. Good writing. (It takes
work to accurately simulate telemarketingese, though admittedly
each question would have a wider range of answers, and any pollster
would tell you that questions must be of the form "Do you agree or
disagree" or "Do you or do you not agree," always giving pro and
con options in the question.) But most of all, what killed me was
Mathieu's delivery, an absolute coup of
sightreading, deadpan vocal control, and breathless pink-collar
telemarketer dialect. I'm telling you, this fellow can act.
- Videoclips: «Star» des Nouveaux prophètes
(actually, a smart little film, with debauchery); "Fender Bender"
de Kid Koala.
- Tuesday
- Ivana Santilli playing video games! Only on TFO, kids.
- Bernard De Longlac and Yvon Ailleurs on Pinochet. I note Guy's
choker, and the undershirt (a tank top?) revealing chest stubble.
One does rather like the wide shirt lapels and green blazer.
However, hide the lavalier mike (that is the correct term,
yes?) when he's brandishing the cherished prop.
- Mathieu is sweet on Ivana "Not Trump" Santilli. One can tell
from the twinkle in the eye. Full marks to Ivana for gamely
sticking to French to the best of her ability. I would have fared
much worse. And we can expect a French-language song on the next
- We're liking Mathieu's black T-shirt and plaid chemise. He's
totally in love with Ivana. Totally. Will he phone her up
and then hide under the bed when she walks boldly into the house
intent on tickling him?
- More fucking skiing. Will you knock it off already?
- Videoclips: "Sun + Moon = Tomorrow" d'Ivana Santilli, which
works, for some reason, and despite the slowed-down/sped-up
framerates (though one does think of Sun Myung Moon and the
doomed-from-the-start Korean brand of Sun-Moon-Star IBM clones);
«5 heures du mat» d'Alliance Ethnik, straight offa
French Kiss yesterday.
- Wednesday
- A gogosse: Firing a marshmallow with a slingshot. Take that,
- JS admits having visited New Brunswick, where I really am quite
sure he fit right in.
- Orange-haired Mathieu aquaskiing. Ack!quaskiing, more
like. We tire of ski-ski-ski-o-rama. Major zit on the forehead,
- Dano now will present one segment on clothing per week. God
help us all. This week: Windproof bloomers. Like winter cyclists aren't au courant with such
gear already.
- Guy does the Internet "chronicle" this week. We're liking the
tousled hair (tousled all over, rather than combed into a central
ridge like a Star Trek alien-from-a-kit), but are
dubious about the combination of shorts and shirt and vest and
- Simon complains of adults fourrering her
over. Why weren't we shown the revenge fantasies?
- Remember the complaints about the show's lousy French? Well, on today's show, we
were treated to the following words in the Queen's English:
- slingshot
- marshmallow
- chat
- membership
- E-mail
- friendly
How many of these have ready French equivalents? All except "chat,"
I should think, though we do give props to Guy for his use of salon for "chatroom."
- Videoclips: «Ma génération» de STE and not
Luc De Larochellière;
«Pierpoljak,» reggae français, and gosh, he's ugly.
We do like the singin'/dancin' ticket agentrixen/locals.
- Thursday
09: A rerun.
- Trust M. Bolduc to put Phentex to the test.
- Dano on noise: "Shut up!"
- «Êtes-vous un loser pathétique
tout seul à la maison?» Get ye the
Volt paint-on
party, reminiscent of portable holes. A good idea, this.
- Herr Müller on removing post-party stains. Why not just
paint 'em over?
- Videoclips: «Dérangement» de Groovy Aardvark,
upcut into Dano's segment on noise almost convincingly; «Le
7e jour» de La Constellation (emphasis on la inexplicable).
- Wednesday
- The team leaves for New Brunswick on Saturday. May God have
mercy on their souls. Is it Guy and Mathieu, or whom?
- La nuit sur l'étang with JS. It's a
music festival, held in some kind of '70s-era bunker. Only
certain French music is even worth thinking about, and
none of this stuff seems to qualify. JS does, however, favour a
band from New Brunswick, where he would fit in smashingly. I can
already see him partyin' down au Cosmo in Moncton.
- Life-alteringly spectacular promo for Le Hospital
Passion. Gotta turn Le Hospital Passion into a
free-standing special so it can lasso in one of them Geminis, if
not Gémeaux.
- Art embossed in computer chips. I was reading about something
along these lines (actually, hand-dyed lithographs of
schematics of chips) in Omni in 1978.
- Eric profiles two Arctic explorers. What does the Arctic have
to do with la vie franco-ontarienne? Could
it have something to do with the explorers' speaking French?
- A blague begs for M. Bolduc to speak. In true My Left
Foot tradition, his voice frightens small children and
sensitive anglophone adults. M. Bolduc in this guise resembles
Donald Potts, one of the guises of Reginald Perrin in The Fall and Rise
of. And we now know definitely who the actor is.
- Videoclips: "The Anthem" de Sway & Tech, a form of cinema
unto itself (one of those life-alteringly spectacular videos, like
Zbigniew Rybczinski's "Imagine," that I will never see again);
«Tu ne peux pas partir» de Caféïne.
- Thursday
- A literally unbelievable fact: No one rang up to win Backstreet
Boys tickets. No one. Can we infer that Volt
attracts a better class of teenybopper?
- Les Nouvelles avec Bernard De Longlac and Stéphane's
ethnic stereotype. Keep this up and I file a complaint with the
- Œil hebdomadaire declares Guy and Dano, covering the Junos, to be
best-dressed reporters[,] from TFO's Volt." We now
see the evidence.
- Dano scratches her head whilst introing the Junos segment,
while Guy's in a good shirt and a vest. Dano, en piste, wears a
lime-green frock with hot-pink gloving, while Guy styles in a
boy-blue velveteen leisure suiting with glittery grey-blue
- Antoine de Sky, with tattooed arms. Guy gets to ask his big
questions in the onanistic, heavily-corraled press conferences. A
bit of a publicity stunt, what with the running jokes à propos de poutine. Leave well enough alone.
Nose up Sarah McLachlan's snatch. "Great coat," dit-elle.
- Is it true that les médias interviewed Dano and Guy?
- Simon's info-tête-parlante. The Internet: Resistance is
futile. But get your forking act in gear, Simon. E=mc2
is not read as «E égale mc deux.» It's «mc
carré.» Why is it that Francophones, with their
richly-inflected language with more morphemes than Tories at a
bathhouse, cack out completely when faced with something as
"complex" as a superscript?
- The tickling skit again.
- Videoclips: «Jugement dernier» de Sans Pression;
«Le fil» de la Chicane.
- Friday
17: Feu sacré on a young
activist Turkess.
- Monday
20: Francine Frydenberg pinch-hostesses.
- «Mathieu à volonté»: Mathieu: All you can
eat! A cult of personalities. "What is laughter?" Mathieu Pichette,
private dick, asks and answers. One respondent out on the street
actually knew who Mathieu Pichette was and pegged him.
- François Louis, a role model for youth, particularly with
his disco fetish, which I heartily support.
- Satan's pancartes of
signalisation again. Still works pretty well.
- Guitare lessons with Tony Pinto times two (or, as
Simon would say it, «iks deux»).
- Ants. Yawn.
- Mathieu as ToxicoGoodHumourMan again.
By the way, Beatrice on the laughably pathetic excuse for a cop
show The Beat – a kind of Brooklyn
South manqué – is a dead ringer for Dano.
- Monday
27: All Hospital Passion all the
time, again.
- Tuesday
- Mathieu has a sensuous voice today.
- Les Nouvelles. Guy wears a garbage bag spewing out noodles.
Yvon Ailleurs on the cult deaths in Uganda, wearing a suitcoat,
which we've seen before, plus a white shirt buttoned to the
- Mathieu fucks up the title «Enfer et contre tous»
three times in an interview with its directrix. He's just barely
staying with the program. If this is the price to pay for a
sensuous voice....
- Dano on Guide to Canadian Universities 2000. She
recaps the book,
representing the
limit of her analytical skills. This segment is an all-out plug.
Where's the educational value? Why does Dano continue to get away
with this level of vacuousness?
- Simone: The fakery of TV advertising. What they'll do to sell
us something! Followed by a faux-advertisement, for Tricot-Volt
- The gang is toting along some Ontario souvenirs for New
Brunswickers. Since Toronto culturally colonized all other regions
of the country save for the better part of Quebec over the last
thirty years, this rather seems like the Romans bringing along
laurel leaves for the Gauls.
- Videoclips: "All the Small Things" de Blink-182 again;
«49» de Monsieur Toad.
- Wednesday
- Video games, presented in OLF-approved French. «Il y a un bon challenge là-dessus. [...] C'est
peut-être pas dans mon cup of tea, comme on pourrait dire.
[...] Prochain jeu – oh, my God! [...] Oh, my God! Watch
- The kids hit New Brunswick, or, in the official TFO
Orwellianism, Acadie, for the Destruction Tour. A river of brown in
Moncton; what do you expect? Pit stop at Tim Horton's, missing the
chance to expose Ontarians to the real name for that chain: Horny
Tim's. JS scores at a flea market – but why aren't they
shopping at Frenchy's? Give the Silver Fox an handjob. Le
Hospital Passion raids a New Brunswick school auditorium!
«Tout est sous contrôle!»
- Thursday
30: A rerun, as they usually are on Thursdays.
- Captain Gravolt, appropriately, hangs out with pilots, with an
anglophone gamely offering valet service/safety check.
- Guy smashes a TV twice, evidently warming up for later destruction sprees. Will television and the net converge? Dano on
WebTV – about as
glancing, and underpowered as we expect from Dano.
- Radio, however, works online, Guy says. Interlogues rather than internautes.
- Guy's efforts to come off all tough and fierce don't work here.
Overt fire and passion aren't his medium. Guy in a cardigan? Keith
fucking Kocho and Dish It fucking Out,
with that wooden fake of a hostess. Isn't it cute how she defines
pot à feu for us?
- Videoclips: «Feels» de Lili Fatale, inspired by
Floria Sigismondi and Voivod "Astronomy Domine" (Cf. "Roman Polanski Tess"); «La furie
et la foi» de Fonky Family.
- Friday
31: A young comedian in El Salvador.
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