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February 1993Well, yes, I inevitably would get around to the Hillary in Bustier issue, so often placed on sale on eBay by lads who think they’re being terribly clever, cool, and recherché. Turns out not to be a bad ish, actually, despite the late cover date (far along Spy’s lifespan) and huge fonts. Advertising analysisMuch to discover this month. Famous and dandy?
But really, the issue is that any sentient being would be repelled by the cutesy showbiz-insider pun of the film’s title. And besides, wasn’t Amos & Andy such an egregious, indeed textbook, example of minstrelsy that Michael Franti and Spike Lee later lampooned it? Everyone knows cigarette advertising is occultish and subliminal. Even Spy covered the topic (passim). But three 2/3-page ads in the current issue bring Joe Camel to new depths of ridiculousness and manipulation. Apparently, in every pack of cancer sticks (sorry, filtered coffin nails) comes a scrip for $1 in “Camel Cash.” Put a hundred of these together – a hundred packs of cigarettes – and you can buy four of Joe’s Pilsner Glasses. Fifteen? Joe’s Flip-Top Lighter. But you’ll want a catalog, right? (American spelling. It’s all over this issue and it’s annoying me. What do you call an American who catalogs, as at a library? A cataloger. Isn’t that like a lodger?) The form you will out to receive the Camel Cash Catalog Volume Three asks you to “certify that I am a smoker; that I am 21 years of age or older; and that I want to receive offers, premiums, coupons, or free cigarettes that may be sent to me in the mail” (emphasis added). You can pile ’em up, too – “maximum of 5 catalogs (total) per address.”
Peignot is one of those fonts that’s ever so difficult to use, but the weird typographic collage used on the Sugarcubes’ Stick Around for Joy is a counterexample. I particularly like what should be the ugliest component, the overlap of the C and U. This month’s advert for the Sugarcubes – and you do realize I interviewed Einar, Magga, and Thor, right? and Einar liked my shit? – recaps a similar layout. I suppose it’s identical, really, but it needs to be bigger, and the green patterned background isn’t working. We won’t even talk about the Ronda body copy. I note that my issue contains an intact scent strip. Is this the sort of NIB/OUP otakuism that eBay fetishists look for – unsniffed scent strips? Sound: No longer full-colour?Easter Island statues: Already a Madison Avenue cliché by the mid-’80s, right? And here they are again, one of them outfitted with Sony Studio Monitor Series Headphones (sic). (The linebreaks are deceptive: “Sony Studio ¶ Monitor Series Headphones.” Monitor Series Headphones by Sony Studio? Or Studio Monitor Series Headphones?) Since this was the era before wirelessness, unless of course one includes CB radios, the headphones feature a matted-in cable that extends out of frame. Where does it end up? A Philips DCC player? With these headphones, would you take advantage of the TDK Mailrock program, which, for a $3.95 900-number call, gives you a CD sampler of rock bands of Dexy’s Midnight Runners–calibre longevity, including the Skeletons, the Drop Nineteens, the Bellyachers, Sheer Terror, and the only one that anyone would recognize today, the Jesus Lizard? Or would you listen to someone else? I hate Tom Waits. Words actually underscored in the (even more sickening) typography of Island Records’ (whose?) advertisement for Bone Machine include masterpiece, essential, finest, unshakable, innovative, and breathtaking (take a breath, Tom! You might sing better!). Letters to Spy“From the Spy Mailroom”:
Yeah, I added the Chinese myself. l33t, aren’t I? Meanwhile, Spy responds to some angry denunciations thus:
Perhaps superinterestingly, my typewriter when I was a schoolboy – the device that conveniently camouflaged my age when writing letters on important matters of state, and of captioning – carried red and black ribbons on the same reel. It was great fun to use the red accent in pleasing typographic ways. I miss the simplicity of not having to declare Survival mechanisms when working for a shrew with bad hair and worse teeth: Rat him out to satirical monthlies once you escape.
KuypersismsIn this era, our art director is Christiaan Kuypers. Alex Isley quit, I guess, and maybe B.W. Honeycutt was already sick with the big A, being as he was one of the only homosexualist graphic designers in world history. I suppose I could look up what Isley actually did. En tout cas, Kuypers was actually pretty adept at handling the gigantutron baby-sized fonts required of the new ’90s Spy. If those aren’t custom fonts he’s using (early Font Bureau or progenitor?), then I’m the Queen of England. Just exactly the right asymmetrical indents and tension on the page, which he will sometimes rotate 90° anticlockwise. (For a spread, at least.) Kuypers is hard to Google. I find it alien to work in the media and be essentially ungooglable. But: Isley was all hot for Spy’s rigour and correctness in typography, as with placing quotes in a drop cap (drop quotes) when the first word was actually in a quotation. In this issue, however, column 1, page 16 gives us this boner: The fit makes sense, since a lot of her pre-Fox PR clients... are CAA’s biggest clients. And the joint needs a female big shot for appearance’ sake Isn’t this in fact one step down from the dreaded Grocer’s Apostrophe (Apple’s and Pear’s)? (I use ’s on everything, even words that end in s, sh, z, zh, or any homonym.) Hyphen madness!
And she’s from Utah!“The Fine Print” (perverse official orthography no longer “The fINE PRINT”):
My superspecial recent additionsThe current Spy contains an angry letter of denunciation form the Archdiocese of New York. It rebuts an article in Spy’s little-known New York Times parody, wrapped around actual Times copies at the Democratic National Convention in, I guess, 1992. (“It was only a matter of time once Pope John Paul II got his 900 number. Now New York City’s Cardinal John O’Connor is introducing Cardinal Crunch, a breakfast cereal... made from non-consecrated Eucharists, or Holy Hosts.”) This parody I do not have. This parody I in fact want. Because I have been building up a collection, you see. Whilst pawing through the detritus at the Value Village (the search for discreet, good-condition T-shirts to wear to the gym is never-ending), I underwent an autistic moment as I passed the toy shelves. Yes, I in fact was staring at a huge black box with gold type (not Lubalin Graph) proclaiming TRUMP: THE GAME. “It’s not whether you win or lose – it’s whether you win!” screams the headline. The back-panel copy absolutely has to be a parody of Spy.
It’s got a 1989 copyright date. They had to be knowing what they were doing. Now, at this point what I need is a group of like-minded friends to play this game with, and a proper table to play it on. I also bought, from a particularly nettlesome and in fact de-listed eBay supplier, the famed Spy Notes parody, covering the immortal masterpieces Bright Lights, Big City, Slaves of New York, and Less Than Zero, inter alia. I have not quite decided how to incorporate this gem into Ten Years Ago in Spy, but I’m gonna think of something. What should not, in retrospect, have been surprising is the fact that the précis of the books in question are excruciatingly dull. In fact, only the Questions for Review seem remotely worth reading at this remove. (“If you had terminal bone cancer and were in great pain, which would you rather do: Listen to Jamie Conway talk about his personal problems, or take an injection of morphine?”) Yes, he’s an homosexualistHe who expounded the virtues of the term homosexualist, so often used in these pages, is dismissed by some picayune writer. T.W. Irwin (who?), “Review of Reviewers”:
Ask Camille Paglia!
But. I distinctly recall having something resembling a religious experience when reading Paglia’s advice column in Spy, complete with dead-on photo of Camille in an inset rhomboid clutching gaily-addressed letters to her bosom. Let’s just run the responses!
Tepid Brit-bashingThere just wasn’t any bite at all to “The New British Invasion” by Jamie Malanowski, another in that ongoing series of stories in New York–based magazines about British editors taking over New York–based magazines. How many times have I read the same complaints?
Anyway, in the list of British editors sits “Vanity Fair’s new editor, Graydon Carter, is from Canada (and has been a columnist for a London daily).” Yeah, arseholes, and he co-founded and edited Spy! Revisionism like that would ordinarily prompt a Spy exposé. End-stage SpySpy, at this late stage in its evolution, was going downhill. Not yet. Not this month, not much, save for revisionism. But it was happening. Still, “Quoth the Raving: A Spy Quiz” is unusually strong by any year’s standards.
Pranking and frankingSpy plays a prank on Congress. A catalog (there’s that word again) for the Congressional Supply Store, from which three Congressmen actually ordered (one later canceled), included such trinkets as:
Why only some Dahmer jokes are funnyI was literally disgusted and my stomach literally turned to read Gary Wolf’s piece entitled “ ‘May I Suggest Our Zinfandel, Mr. Dahmer?’ Haute Cuisine à la Mode Cannibal.” Yes, Spy actually did phone up famous chefs and ask them how they would prepare a human body for consumption. No doubt the angry refusals were simply not listed in the story. But everyone who is quoted took it with appalling seriousness. There are, you know, reasons why cannibalism is taboo. New ones pop up all the time, sometimes literally, like TSEs. I am telling myself I am reacting this badly largely because I am one of those veganists whom Anthony Bourdain loves to hate. (With reason. Most non-Indic veganists are as bad as he says.) But it is so far beyond gross that even having the page open here makes me queasy. And I usually do not do queasy. You are here: fawny.org → Ten Years Ago in SPY → Archives → February 1993 Posted: 2003.06.06 ¶ Updated: 2003.06.11 See also: Interview with Alex Isley, former SPY art director |