Summer 2000 Volt reviews
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Unknown original airdates: We had a bit of a
gap between reviews – from April 11 to the week of July 31,
in fact. Reviews below are for summer re-runs; I’m giving you the
re-run airdates, and only for previously-unreviewed shows. (Yes, I
August 3 | 4 | 7 | 8 | 14 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 | 30 | 31
September 1 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22
- «Mathieu prépare-t-il ses intros?» Yes, but what
if he didn’t? Stock silence. Thank God for Bernard De Longlac.
- Another They’re Doing This to Torture Me moment. I
totally admit my complete ignorance of old French
folk songs made me a major chump when it came to Manau, OK? Mea, like, culpa.
But give me a break! You never heard of sampling? (Do the words "My
definition of a boombastic jazz style” mean anything to you?) End
of rant. [Cf. Ma folie de Manau]
- As part of its mandate as a public broadcaster, Les
Nouvelles is required to cover community events. (Images of
channel 10 growing up, not to mention what we got from Maine.
Dick Stacey’s Country Jamboree, anyone?) Small-town
choir singing «J’entends le loup, le renard et la belette.
J’entends le loup et le renard chanter.» Over and over again.
Laid on top of any stock footage the Voltistes could
get their hands on.
- And Mathieu breaks up at one point. I woulda done a retake.
«Les Nouvelles était là. C’est juste
comme on y était seul.» Then some kind of reportage with
Rita about a Loch Ness Monster manqué in B.C., with JS
frolicking shirtlessly in the background and a childish mockery of
the Indian name of the Monster manqué.
- The day is saved as Yvon Ailleurs describes shoah observations
in Israel. “Oh, and Senator – love the suit.” What’s
with the pointed hair? And is that how you pronounce “Auschwitz” in
- You know what’s all impressive and sophistiqué about Guy?
The way he says «Ça faisait plaisir» at the end of
his reportages. To which gene can we attribute this flourish, the
French or the invert?
- Bit of a bum edit between Les Nouvelles and the
subsequent interview with Eric about some talent show in an Ottawa
polyvalent. I already knew Ottawa was boring.
- Jeux vidéos avec JS: Crazy Taxi. A game will last five,
ten minutes tops; «en sus, c’est fini, game over.» JS’s
pauses are now uttered as English-language ums. You’ve
been in Toronto too long, Jean-Sébastien. But he’ll always
bring a little bit of the country with him, if only in the rack of
Scrabble tiles necessary to render the vowels in the French word
- Who’s the cutie sitting on the floor playing Crazy Taxi?
- In Shippagan, a Stupid Volt Trick: With five days’
worth of dirty clothes, Mathieu and JS hit up Acadians to do their
laundry. One family actually buys it. Man, Arctic Power:
There’s a memory of New Brunswick. I have literally never
seen it in Toronto, and I am a total laundry queen.
- The lads may have dirty laundry, but don’t they have a razor
each? Talk about your five-o’clock shadow.
- Jesus fuck. The guy’s got mounted deer heads on the wall
upstairs. Run, Lola, Run!
- So what does an unprepared extro sound like? A moment’s
silence. Mathieu is all chummy with Francine. (Is she the only
Canadian-born Francophone Jewess in Toronto? I’m assuming she
was born here.)
- They’re so chummy, Francine twirls Mathieu in her arms. My
kinda gal.
- Videoclips: «Oualalaradime» de Zebda (a video-game
spoof, but give it credit for “conventional” animated passages;
Cf. “Californication” des Red Hot
Chili Peppers and a video much better forgotten, “Où est le
soleil?” de Paul McCartney); “Flat Beat” de Mr. Oizo, which we’re
still not tired of (must be something to do with the gargantuan
green HDPE
- A fake fundraising campaign. So fake we read constant crawls at
screen bottom telling us so, in the Queen’s French: «Ceci est
fake.» Simon bills himself as «animateur de
Volt,» while Mathieu is merely
- «C’est très important de
dépenser de l’argent. C’est bon pour la communauté, et
c’est bon pour notre culture franco-ontarienne. Le plus on a
l’impression d’avoir de l’argent, le plus on en dépense, le
plus on a l’impression d’en avoir, et le plus notre estime de nous
augmente, et de cette façon, nous remplissons notre mandat de
télévision éducative.»
- Is that Charles Duchesne with a major goatee in the background?
I think he’s quite a bit sexier than Guy, actually. (I’d
buy the video.)
- Wee snippetette with Stoner.
- Some TFO technicians have to “dance in the clubs” to make ends
meet at month’s end. And it ain’t pretty.
- Imagine if the Legislature heard about Volt’s
thinly-veiled biting of the Harrisite (actually, Bassettite) hand
that feeds them.
- Videoclips: «Rien à perdre» de Muzion; “The Kids
Aren’t Al[l R]ight” de l’Offspring, a vast waste of money and
clearly the least-punk action the band led by the ice-blond ghost
has ever taken; «Le fil» de la Chicane, a boring,
horribly proper and MOR embarrassment of
French Kiss proportions (sepiatone fails to redeem
this Typical French Pop Song’s Typical French Voice and Typical
French String Section); «J’ne veux pas rester sage» de
Dolly, an attempt at a typographic video with a combo Lisa
Loeb/Dishwalla sound and Elastica look; the confusing and
not-undisappointing “Believe” de Franka Potente. You realize I am a
total Lola Rennt obsessif, hein? Ask me sometime about
lecturing a 6′5″ German national about the film’s merits at the
Black Eagle.
- Whenever the Voltistes attempt to be educational,
the results are so boring and interminable as to induce suicidal
feelings. God love ’em, but couldn’t JS have made a discussion of
high-speed Internet connections a bit more interesting? With such a
connection, can’t you watch jazzed-up content?
- Also, the multiples in computers are 1,024, not 1,000. So a 56K
modem does not, in fact, transfer up to 56,000 bits in a second;
the max is 57,344. A 1MBps connection actually transfers
1,0242 bps, or 1,048,576 bps. “But it’s a difference of
2.4%,” you retort. The difference between 1,0242 and “1
million” rivals the maximum capacity of a 56K modem. Still think a
2.4% difference doesn’t matter? Either you’re accurate or you’re
not, and would you like your paycheque to be off by 2.4%?
- "Gigabyte” is “gigabyte,” not “gygabyte,” and it’s an English
word. Words like “bit” and “gigabyte” already have French
equivalents. ("Byte” is particularly charming: octet. Apparently “bit” is bilingual.)
- Shock: A good segment from Eric, on spelunkers. Looks like
everyone’s actually enjoying themselves.
- Dano with talentless losers Filter, whose only claim to fame is
necking with Trent Reznor, prompting him to pitch a tent.
- TFO decided to start this episode nine minutes late, so don’t
ask me what the last nine minutes of the show contained.
- Videoclips: “Break Stuff” de Limp Bizkit.
- Volt does another New Brunswick school inspection,
in Tracadie, where all the kids seem suspiciously well-groomed and
-dressed. Where are they getting the clothes? Mathieu
looks great in the baby-blue hardhat, which would go over
gangbusters at Woody’s.
- Because Volt was officially visiting Acadie,
viewers are spared any acknowledgement of the other solitude, viz.
the shitty Turkish-prison schools the anglo kids are stuck with.
When it comes to school quality if nothing else,
anglophones are the white niggers of New Brunswick. Take it from a
fucking expert, honey.
- Entirely unironic jaw-dropper: A chief source at the polyvalent
is a blond, maquillée prom queen
wearing a Miss New Brunswick sash, which would go over gangbusters
at Woody’s. ("Whatever happened to Fay Wray, that delicate,
satin-draped frame? As it clung to her thighs, how I started to
cry, because I wanted to be dressed just the same.")
- Music “chronicle” with Nathalie, whom I’m liking more, but
honestly, Charles Duchesne is somewhat superior, and not merely
because he’s a he. Mathieu is still pretty good as a Siskel-like
conversational partner in these chronicles, but he’s part of a
gestalt and couldn’t go it alone. (And how could he not have heard
of Esthero?)
- What goes on in Tracadie, Dano asks? Bugger-all, apparently.
And so much for the kids’ being well-dressed. These guys aren’t.
And love their calqued French, where French words are uttered in
strict English order. Their dialect fits right in with the
segment’s franglais intro.
- Guy does another Internet “chronicle,” but the iMac froze.
(They couldna waited five minutes to tape the segment?) Today’s topic: Freebies.
Isn’t échantillon a lovely word? Échantillonage is even nicer. Good domain
name, in fact:
- Guy, it must be emphasized, is tall.
- Phone-ins, i.e., blagues, on chastity.
- Vidéoclips: God help us, Manau. (Who is the
weasel?) It’s the echt-français pronunciation of the
rhotacisms that does it, you know, plus the Celiticism. [Cf. Ma folie de Manau] «Dans la peau
d’un chef» de Bisso na Bisso.
- All GraVolt all the time. At least, that was the threat. Turned
out to be a single segment. Phew.
- Guy, looking good in his orange jumper, seriously evaluates
pizza pockets. Love the Alien Autopsy schtick JS does
in his lab coat. And he starts wailin’ away on his drum kit and
stuff. Guy’s hair seems browner than usual tonight. We approve of
- An interview with the redoubtable Jean Leloup. Guy looked so
young and whippersnapperish. Thank God for Coupe Bizarre. Bet you
thought I’d never say that.
- Skit, apparently filmed (the all-analogue TVO editing booths
likely lack antiquing software), of some kind of ’70s crime caper.
Where’s the black guy from?
- Une gogosse à JS: A bicycle
"klaxon” (love the word), embarrassingly resembling a penis pump or
intravenous drip. The klaxon is not, however, loud enough to
shatter the ceramic teapot shaped like a house. Call in the
- Continuation of the incomprehensible filmed skit. We’re
fast-forwarding through this one.
- The show will now give away a hideous gargoylish buddha, and
the animateurs are now conducting putrefaction experiments.
- Videoclips: «Antidépresseur» des Vulgaires
machins; «Pis si ô moins» des Colocs.
- JS and Dano host. To my horror, the Voltistes
conduct a fashion survey at the lavishly-constructed French high
school down the road from where I grew up. And every single
informant speaks French in English word order, or with an English
accent, or by dropping in English phrases where there already
exists a French. (So does Dano: des
piercings. I assume Dano had tried the correct French on the
kids, only to be greeted by stupefied incomprehension.) The coastal
town they forgot to close down.
- Music “chronicle” with what’s-her-face. To my not-unimpressed
surprise, JS appears to be capable of informed discussion of
electronic music. Get him off the videogame beat,
Thérèse. Nathalie couldn’t get a word in edgewise half
the time.
- First episode of new season of Hospital Passion.
Again incomprehensible, but intentionally, parait-il. Charles oughta shave.
- Simone on bodily biohazards left on surfaces. Like restaurant
- Videoclips: “Everything Sucks” de Dope; «Opération
coup de poing» de la Brigade et Pierpoljak, easily the most
bizarre name for a band in the history of civilisation.
- Testing a school in Shediac. Good deadpan cop-style acting from
Mathieu. Their English-named tour guide has less of a grating
vulgarian accent than expected.
- Hospital Passion is brilliant today.
Intertextuality as Mathieu acts exactly the same as Jean-Louis.
We’re talking Julie Christie in Fahrenheit 451 here.
«Est-ce que je vous sers quelque chose?»
«Non.». «Super. Moi aussi.» Directorial
error: First drink handed to Janet is all but invisible.
- Mathieu’s terrible secret: Left-handedness.
- Nathalie seems enamored by the group Common. I just wish her
opinion counted for more. (Not a slight.
I was even worse.)
- Videoclips: «Téléthargique» de Groovy
Aardvark; «La furie et la foi» de Fonky Family.
- Guy’s T-shirt is too short. Some kind of volleyball tourney. I
admit I got the wrong idea upon witnessing Guy strap on kneepads.
Talk about skinny legs. Visually-impaired coach is built like a
brick shithouse, topped by heterosexualist hair.
- However, the conceit of overlaying videogame graphics (not
unlike what the kids did when they Franked me) and
scanlines works surprisingly well.
- Dano writes a résumé;
presentation is so childishly basic and patronizing it must surely
apply to Dano’s own experience, if no one else’s.
- On Hospital Passion, Mathieu continues to channel
Jean-Louis. The segments become increasingly metacinematic. This
episode’s absurdity rivals a Python sketch. I’m very bullish on
this show, let me tell you. You see what happens? You give creative
types a bit of freedom and they run with it. Good on yez, kids. You
make me proud, not that it counts for anything.
- Videoclips: “Lounge with Us” de Muzion; «Tous
pareils» des Mauvais quarts d’heure.
- Kind of a wooden, overscripted intro by two producer-chick
types in the “Acadian” absence of l’équipe. It’s an all-JS-all-the-time
- Liked the rally segment. Was a minor passion of mine when I was
a schoolgirl. Except I am not excellent at reading maps. Otherwise
I would be a navigatrix by now. I am calm in other people’s
emergencies, where “other people” includes the driver. Reasonably
good French from the anglophone guest. And really excellent
- Testing condoms with a Suburban’s tailpipe? Comment?
- Rerun of paint-on-party segment. Not
entirely unbrilliant.
- Still lovin’ the Sauce Trempette Volt segment. And the
harvest-gold stove in the background. Ah, yes, “Blue Spanish Eyes."
Although it must be conceded that poor JS is the least erotic personnage on television today. God love ’im and
all, but.
- Kraft Dinner? Please. And there is no such unit as a “cubic
ton.” Think about it. Oh, and it’s Our Compliments, not Yours
Compliments, wrong two ways, not that IGA has any hope of catching
up with President’s Choice in this lifetime.
- All Guy all the time. Not that we’re complaining.
- The lad was really quite young when he started. Green,
- Not a good offscreen narrating style, I’ve decided.
- Straitlaced Woody’sfag Guy at a fetish party. And what a
charming calque in
French: fétiche.
- It’s the Robert Smith manqué who comports himself the best
by far. Blue lipstick is so empowering.
- "Wacky weather.” “Wacky.” Guy.
- The still-offensive recycling-the-dead sketch, like the putrefaction process the kids are
exploring elsewhere, has not improved with age. On the other hand,
the Law & Order spoof is still bleak and daring.
It punches through, to paraphrase Bruce Lee.
Something to do with a performance-art troupe; an all-videos
show otherwise. And, gah, is Charles Duchesne ever lookin’ good in
the goatee!
Videoclips: «La vi ti nèg» de Muzion; “Falling
Away from Me” de Korn, for some reason; «Bagnole» des
Marmottes aplaties, a semi-typographic video; «Je sais pas
jouer» de Pierpoljak; «Tabou» des Nubians avec Black
Thought, whoever they are.
Seem to have missed Monday, inexplicably. I think it was a
- Ærobix the Volt way. Almost trashy enough to
be horribly realistic. And what is going on with Charles
Duchesne, a very tight, well-muscled young lad? I smell a foreskin
hiding in there somewhere.
- Wait, JS. It’s spring so we take up cycling again? Some of us
ride through the winter, milquetoast.
- Anyway, JS teaches us how to clean a bike. But never, ever use
WD-40, JS! It’s a solvent, not a lubricant. Use chain oil (dead
cheap) or any kind of oil marketed for a bicycle.
- The show is lucky I don’t file a complaint with Isabel Bassett
over the slaughterhouse segment. Believe it, kids.
- Herr Müller on the golf course, in a stunning plaid
suiting. Not sure how well Chuck Duchesne succeeds in his taxing,
starmaking role of caddy.
- Still loving the fringe halter top on Nadyne.
- Dano wraps her head around John Fluevog.
- Oh, cripes. A careful reading of the end credits shows I have
consistently misspelled Nadyne’s name. Fixed. And by the magic of
Web pages, I can hide the fact it ever happened, except that such
effacement is against policy.
- Videoclips: «Idéal» d’Étienne Daho (got the
credits reversed); “Respect to the Dance Floor” de Mass Hysteria,
who really oughta stick to English (take it from an expert,
- The connect mechanism in this episode is Simon’s attempt to
navigate an endless voxmail tree.
- Pascale Laflamme milks a cow. Why, exactly? And note that the
poor cows are chained up (i.e., imprisoned) and immobile. And this
is one of the nicer facilities.
- The PMS segment again. The girls seem very aware
of just how their emotions change during PMS.
- Simone, that christer. Or christrix. She and Gertrude seem to
disagree on Simon’s new smoking habit. Is this the only segment
featuring Gertrude, who looks about as plausible as a female as
Terence Stamp did?
- Videoclips: «Tous pareils» des Mauvais quarts d’heure
(titles interchanged again); “Hey[,] Boy, Hey[,] Girl” des Chemical
- Will o’ the Wisp as astrologistrix. Turn down that lipstick,
Simon! It’s running hot on the video.
- More with the goddamn rallying. We just went through this. And
what an interminably long segment it is the second time – and
I like the concept.
- Herr Müller does the laundry. Love the tip not to dry
whites and darks together. One seeks to avoid
black-light-illuminated lint on his dark T-shirt at the Bovine Sex
Club. Très sage, Herr Müller.
- Date-rape drugs. Needed more teenage informants, and less of
the sinister theme music.
- Videoclip: “Freak on a Leash” de Korn, for some reason.
Some kind of awards-show parody, more or less well-handled. Dano
does a very good job playing the role of a ditz. And I’m
not insinuating anything. I really mean it. Dubmatique interview.
Danger Zone again. (Did you know that “Rock You Like a Hurricane"
is in fact by Scorpion? Me, neither.)
But what is Guy wearing?
Videoclip: «Le teint de Linda» de Mara Tremblay,
- The episode of the year. (The “normal"
episode, all–Hospital Passion–all-the-time
shows excluded.) An exploration of what it means to be a hyphenated
- Who would have known that the actor behind Joe Canadian, Jeff
Douglas (an equally generic name), would be so well-groomed, and so
shockingly unilingual?
- Majorly fucking shit captioning job on the “I Am Canadian"
commercial. Worse even than we expect from the Canadians.
- Cruel, Dano! Making poor Jeff utter cracked-French phrases
whose meaning he does not understand!
- And now the parodies. Dano’s is weak. Francine’s is pretty good
(had to listen to it four times), particularly given how few French
Jews there are in Canada. (One notes a clear English accent, BTW.)
And of course Guy’s (op
cit). Shoulda done another take, though, Guy; you had a
small flub.
- Is Guy the next Avi Lewis? If so, he’d have to bed down with
Naomi Klein. <shudder>
- The Simone music video is hard for me to decipher, but Simon is
on to something. Could the Voltistes please post a
QuickTime and a lyric sheet? (Music by DJ Focâle, I assume?)
- Videoclips: «La vi ti nèg» de Muzion, which I’m
getting tired of in every way – the jabbering Haitian intro,
the opening chords, and above all, the title and its “creative"
Jeux franco-ontariens. The whole episode, apart from its tone of
stultifying boredom, feels forced. Even the Voltistes
don’t really care.
All MP3 all the time, courtesy of JS, who seems to hanker for
enterprise reporting. Today TFO, tomorrow the CBC. Or at least RDI.
Good juicy quotes from the industry apologist, I must say, though
they will do nothing to persuade the teenyboppers.
Videoclips: “Starsuckers Inc.” de Nine Inch Nails; «La
cabane à Félix» du very sultry and radiant Marc
- We give credit to JS for audacity: Cooking via engine heat.
(And here I am spending three days this week locked in the back
seats of cars documenting an automotive diagnostic tool.) But it’s
not a Suburban, it’s a Jimmy! Ack! But they played it straight all
the way through.
- Three Internet “chronicles.” JS actually recommends Sympatico.
Appalling. And Dano recommends
Canoe. Though it is admittedly
the least hideous of the Canadian portals, I mean, really.
Develop some interests, you two. The Internet is about specificity,
not vague generalities of the sort the losers at Sympatico and
Canoe dish up.
- Two music “chronicles,” including Charles Duchesne and his
tight, veinous neck. His chum must be a very
happy man. (You know, he is terribly sweet. Too sweet to
be a DJ. Too sweet to have produced the memorably dissonant
Volt theme music. Does Charles Duchesne contain
- Bernard De Longlac hosts. Mathieu seems to have been humped to
death. (Not by Charles Duchesne, shurely?!)
- Oh, for heaven’s sake. JS and Mr. Bolduc in my hometown.
- Hard-hitting reportage by Guy on codes of conduct in schools.
Astonishingly fabulous black-rimmed orange T-shirt and ancient
jeanjacket, melding beautifully with blood-red Fantastic
Voyage–style backdrop. Again, I hope the Leg doesn’t
find out about this. (Or Isabel.)
- Eric engages in the moderately novel enterprise of asking a
paleontologist to evaluate the realism of film depictions of
dinosaurs. The segment was quite clearly shot for a program other
than Volt.
- Last studio episode. Four staff have been shitcanned. I am
shocked. What will we do without Charles, Guy, Dano, and
Thérèse? More on this on the main page after
the new “season” starts, where the damage done by Isabel will begin
to become clear.
- The last Simone. Interminable.
- Who would have expected Dano to plug Slap
- We wonder about the actual disability of Joey Boudreau, a
wheelchair basketballer. Oops, he outs himself: CP. He sounds
stupider than he probably is. (CP can cause cognitive
impairment, but more often affects speech motor control.) Mathieu’s
interviewing style contains suspiciously high numbers of “Ouais"
interjections, as if patronizing him.
- Videoclip: “Super Beast” de Rob Zombie, looking truly monstrous
in the faux-Japanese intro.
- Reruns. “Objectification of boys” on a dating site? There’s no
such thing as objectification, honey. As usual, dumb-arse liberal
feminists equate sexual with sexist. So why is she dressed
and groomed so nicely? I thought she decried objectification. How
will boys look at her now?
- Eric on aspartame. You realize that Gulf War Syndrome may have
been caused by chemical transformations of aspartame in diet soft
drinks left to boil in the Saudi sun?
- Excellent Laplatt anti-advertisement for beer. Everyone loved
getting dressed up, though presumably such attire is a natural
occurrence for the three beauty queens on staff. (Or is it
- And of course... William Portal.
Appears to be an all-videoclips show, bound together by the
mucilage of an ill-advised karaoke theme. Videoclips: “Mass
Hysteria” de Furia, an oddball RAtM francophone;
«Ondes sensuelles» de M (not the other M, shurely?!);
"The Man with the Red Face” de Laurent Garnier; “Spiders” by System
of a Down (I think; the show still mixes up artiste and title
cards); «Téléthargique» de Groovy Aardvark;
"All Is Full of Love” de Björk.
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